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Ika-Tako ottawa

A virus that originated from Japan with the aim to disguise all of your files into an icon of a cute, red squid, that was considered a music file. However, as cute as this squid may have been, it was still just as dangerous as any virus, as it went through your...

Code Red

In 2001, a virus called Code Red had spread around, however, what made it interestingly different was that it did not target individual computers themselves, but in fact, it targetted the whole internet network as a whole. This virus was so massive even the white...


The ILOVEYOU virus came from the Philippines acting as a ‘worm.’ A worm is a virus that is able to replicate itself while sending itself through networks. This worm, ILOVEYOU, disguised itself as an email from a secret admirer and included a text file...


On September 2013 to late 2014, Cryptolocker was a ransomware attack that had lead to many files being taken hostage with demands of being paid or they would not give the files back. Cryptolocker was spread through emails and specifically targetted Microsoft Windows...

Melissa Virus

In May 1999 a, what seemed to be, harmless email was suddenly sent to someone, who because of the early age of the internet, had no suspicions about the dangers of getting such a random message. The email had quite the interesting subject line as well, with it being...